The College is presently structured into two Schools and various Departments:

1.     School of Law: currently running and structured into the following Departments:

(a)     Dept. of Jurisprudence & International Law;

(b)     Department of Public Law.

(c)      Department of Private & Property Law.

(d)     Department of Commercial & Industrial Law

2.   School of Criminology and Social Justice (proposed): The School is also structured      into the following Departments:

(a)     Department of Criminology;

(b)     Department of Police Science;

(c)      Department of Public and Social Justice Administration.

3.   Institute for Law & Bio-Medical Research (proposed): The Institute is designed as a multi-disciplinary research institute designed for in-depth research in current issues where law intercepts with medicine and biological science and technology such as bio-ethics, bio-technology, etc.

4.   Centre for Technology & Enterprise Incubation (proposed): This is a centre for research and development of law, policy and business models. Its activities include studies in design and public policy implementations, legislative drafting, design and implementation of commercial instruments, administration of intellectual property rights, etc. It is specially suited for government functionaries, particularly the legislative and executive arms of government at all levels, corporate and commercial persons like bankers, company directors, entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, etc. The Centre also provides advisory and direct services to these institutions and agencies.

The Centre is administered under the following Departments:

(a) Department of Project Contracting & Administration.

(b) Department of Intellectual Property Administration (Patents, Trademarks, Copyright).

(c)  Department of Investment & Private / Public Partnership Administration.