SMS Post Graduate Studies Guidelines




October, 2019


I am delighted to write the preface for the maiden issue of the Prospectus of the Postgraduate programmes in the College of Social and Management Sciences, Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti, the purpose of which is to guide our students to the process and procedure to the award of postgraduate degrees (PGD, Masters, and PhDs) to the various Departments and Units in the College.

The current attempt is limited to the guiding principles, stages and conditions necessary for students in the College to follow in order to obtain degrees in their chosen discipline and Departments. Specifically, it provides information on modes of study, duration of programmes, methods of application, registration procedures and more importantly graduation requirements, including the necessary stages leading to graduation. The publication is not a static document, it is open to periodic review as appropriate, hence, subsequent efforts will include prospectus accommodating courses and programmes in the College, and attempt to redress any issue that this publication does not cover in its maiden form.

As a College undertaking postgraduate programmes, we are not oblivious of the vision and mission of this great University, especially in alignment with the interest of the Founder. Among other reasons for the establishment of the University is to change the face of education in Nigeria. In line with contemporary best practices, borrowing leave from Universities like Yale, Harvard and Stanford. This is with a view to making ABUAD a world class institution where conditions for learning are excellent, research and services outstanding, and where staff and students are worthy in character and sound in judgment. The University also seeks to expand the frontiers of knowledge and transform the society through innovation and entrepreneurship. For the College of Social and Management Sciences, the postgraduate programme is an avenue to produce quality scholarship and manpower for various governmental and non-governmental organisations with a mission to build economic, social and political development for countries of the world.

The Provost and the Postgraduate board ably led by Dr Emmanuel A. Ayodeji (PG Coordinator) appreciate the contribution of our erudite scholars, especially senior colleagues in the College. Professors such as Israel O. Orubuloye, Kayode-Adedeji, Femi Olokesusi, Sylvester Ojo, Yekini Olawaiye Lawal, Samuel Igbatayo, Innocent Okoye cannot but be appreciated for their various contributions to the making of this publication. Our former Provosts, beginning from Prof Yekini Olawaiye Lawal, Late Prof Adewale Alawiye-Adams, Prof Phillip Olubunmi Aborisade and Prof Adeolu Durotoye initiated the efforts leading to this publication. The contributions and supports of our Heads of Departments cannot be over emphasized, Dr. Yinka Ogungbade– Accounting; Dr Jonathan Danladi– Economics; Dr. Eusubius Achugo– Business Administration; Prof Innocent Okoye– Media and Communication Studies; Dr. Babatunde Afolabi– Banking and Finance; Dr Christopher Aina– Tourism and Event Managements; Dr. Dayo Oladipo– Political Science; Dr. Adaora Osondu-Oti– International Relations and Diplomacy; Dr. Babatunde Oyinloye– Conflict, Peace and Stragetic Studies; Dr David Bodunde– Intelligence and Security Studies; Dr. Supo Ijabadeniyi– Social Justice; Dr. Adeyemi Ademowo– Sociology; Dr. Dayo Olutoye– Entrepreneurship; Mrs Ife Ajepe– Foreign Language. Their various experiences and thoughts have altogether brought about this compilation. I owe you a debt of appreciation. Equally important are the non-teaching staff members in the College led by the College Officer Mrs. Tola Osikalu, others include Mrs. Adewumi Edewusi, Mrs Fadekemi Ajayi, Mrs. Janet Adeniyi, Mrs. Bosede Ayodele and Mrs FunkeTiamiyu. All other colleagues that have not been mentioned here deserve kudos for their support and contributions, especially during various meetings that birthed this publication. I celebrate you all.

Prof. Ademola Azeez

Provost, CSMS


This manual features the General Regulation, Composition and Functions of the College PG Business Committee (CPGBC) and College PG Board (CPGB). It also, features Research Report Format and PG Seminar Procedures, Consideration, Approval and Defense.

Section 1:        GENERAL REGULATION

  1. Admissions
  2. Candidates for admissions to a Higher Degree programme shall normally be graduates of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD) or of other institutions recognized    by the Senate. Admission shall be made by the Postgraduate College on the recommendation of the SMS College Postgraduate Committee.
  3. All candidates without any previous higher degree in the relevant discipline shall be     admitted into the two-semesters of Post-graduate Diploma before proceeding into         Master Degree Programme.
  4. Candidates with recognized higher degrees in the relevant disciplines may be admitted into the MPhil or PhD degree programme, as appropriate, on the recommendations of the SMS College Postgraduate Committee.
  5. Where, in respect of an otherwise eligible candidate, with a higher degree, a firm                recommendation to the PhD degree programme, cannot be made, the College may            recommend that the candidate be admitted provisionally to the PhD programme               pending an assessment report. Such an assessment shall be made by a panel set up by   the SMS College Postgraduate Committee on the recommendation of the prospective student’s Department, and shall take place not later than the end of the first semester of registration.
  6. A candidate may be admitted for part-time programme, if he/she is a member of the     academic staff of the University or can satisfy the Postgraduate College that the                 facilities for his/her work as a part-time student are adequate.
  7. A candidate for M.phil./PhD shall convert to PhD on the presentation of a minimum    of two (2) publishable articles, and his/her PhD proposal. In addition such a candidate must have scored at least 60% of 100% at M.phil/PhD level.
  • Higher Degree Programme
  • Formal course work shall be an integral part of all higher degree programmes in the    College. However, the course requirement may, on the recommendation of the SMS    College Postgraduate Committee, be waived by the Postgraduate College for                     candidates who already possessed higher degree of this University or other recognized institutions.
  • Students for the 3-Semester master’s degree programmes shall be required to                     undertake dissertations, and submit report.
  • Registration
  • Candidates shall normally complete their registration formalities within two weeks of the beginning of the semester or the commencement of lectures as the case may be.
  • Candidates shall renew their registration at the beginning of each semester until the       completion of their degree programmes.
  • Designation of Courses

There shall be courses numbered 701-999, each of which shall be prefixed by a 3-letter       subject code. The course numbers are as follows:

  1. Post-graduate Diploma-701-799
  2. M.Sc-801-899
  3. Ph.D-901-999.
  • Course Requirements
  • All candidates shall be required to register for, and take an approved combination of     courses at the 700 level and/or above. Courses shall be evaluated in terms of course      units with a minimum of two units and maximum of three units. A one-unit seminar     course may, however, be offered.
  • A course unit is currently defined as one lecture/tutorial contact hour per week or              three hours of laboratory/practical class per week through a semester, or an equivalent amount of assigned or practical experience, or a combination of these.
  • An approved combination of courses shall include a list of course specifications as          made compulsory by the Department and/or College.
  • Appropriate pre-requisites and/or concurrent requirements may be prescribed for a         course.
  • Course and Project Load
  • Full-time candidates for the three-semester Academic Master’s Degree shall be required to register for a minimum of, and pass, thirty credit units.
  • Part-time candidates shall be required to register in any one calendar year for not            more than 60% of the minimum course-load approved for their respective                            programmes.
  • In addition to the required course-load, all candidates for three-semester Master’s          Degree programme shall be required to register for a project, that is, MSc dissertation, which may carry not more than six units. The same number of units applies to PhD       programmes.
  • Candidates admitted to the M.Phil/Ph.D degree programmes may be required to                register for an approved combination of 800/900 level courses.
  • Other Requirements
  • Candidates may be required by their departments to take remedial or other relevant        courses. Grades earned in such courses may be used in computing student’s final             grade.
  • Research Supervisors and Course  Teachers
  • Each candidate for the degree of MPhil or PhD shall have a minimum of two (2)                supervisors, who must have a minimum of two years post-doctoral experience, and of the grade of Senior Lecturer or above.
  • One of the Supervisors shall be designated the major supervisor while the other(s)           will be co-supervisor(s).
  • No member of staff shall have concurrent responsibility for the supervision of more      than six postgraduate candidates (PGD, M.Sc, MPhil/PhD & PhD) without the written approval of the Postgraduate College on the recommendation of the SMS College           Postgraduate Committee.
  • Dissertations and Theses
  • Candidates for the degree of MPhil/PhD shall be required to submit a Dissertation (for MPhil) or a Thesis (for PhD).
  • Dissertations and theses shall be the original work of candidates, and shall not include unacknowledged materials, which had been submitted for higher degree of any                 university.
  • The language of a dissertation/thesis shall be English, except that, materials in other      languages may be incorporated as subject of the work dictates.
  • Not less than three months before submitting a dissertation/thesis, a candidate shall        seek approval of the Postgraduate College for the title of his/her dissertation/thesis.
  • Before submitting him/herself for examinations, a candidate must obtain a written           certification from his supervisor(s) to the effect that he/she has completed                            satisfactorily the requirements for the degree, and that the dissertation/thesis was             actually carried out by him/her during his/her period of registration.
  1.  Submission of Project Report/Dissertation and Thesis
  2. Dissertation/Thesis shall be prepared in accordance with the appropriate format and       other particulars approved by the College PG Board and/ or Postgraduate College           Board. Candidates shall submit to the Provost of Postgraduate College, six printed or         typewritten copies of the dissertation/thesis in temporary binding, and on paper of approved quality. If dissertation is successful, one copy suitably bound shall be deposited in the University Library and one copy each in the concerned Departmental    Library and the College Library. The fourth and fifth copies shall be given to the two                      Supervisors; and the sixth copy, suitably bound, shall be returned to the candidate.
  3. No dissertation/thesis shall be accepted as having satisfied the requirements for the         award of a higher degree until it has been certified to have met the provisions of these regulation by the Postgraduate College.
  1. Board of Examiners

Subject to General Regulations of the University for the conduct of examinations, there      shall be a Board of Examiners for all Higher Degree Examinations.

  1. Course Examination
  2. Candidates shall be required to take examinations in all courses for which they are           registered at the end of the semester in which the courses are completed.
  3. The pass mark shall be 50%.
  4. Computation of results:

The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system shall be used for the                         computation of each student’s results. The CGPA is an accumulation of all of a                  student’s grade points (based on all courses registered for by the student) divided by     the total number of units of courses taken, excluding all audited and remedial courses.

  • Interpretation of Results:

Candidates, who, having satisfied all requirements for the MSc Degree and are                  eligible, could be recommended to proceed to M.Phil/PhD or Ph.D. In this respect, the following guidelines will apply:

≤ 2.50Failure
2.5 – 2.99Eligible to proceed to M.Phil.
3.0 – 3.49Eligible to proceed to M.Phil./Ph.D.
3.5 – and aboveEligible to proceed to Ph.D.
  • Candidates shall be credited with the number of course-units assigned to the courses   which they have passed.
  • There shall be no re-sit examination in any postgraduate course. A student who fails     in any required course (including the project) shall be required to register for the               course (including the project) and be re-examined at the appropriate time.
  1. Final Assessment
  2. Final assessment for all higher degrees shall be undertaken only when all the courses     and dissertation/thesis requirements for the degree have been fulfilled.
  3. The final assessment for all higher degrees shall include Viva Voce (i.e. Oral                     Examination). Without prejudice to the result of the examinations as a whole, an oral   examination will only be conducted if in the view of External Examiner and/or of two Internal Examiners, including the examiner from outside the Department, the thesis       has sufficient merit, and adjudged examinable.
  4. The Chairman of the Board of Examiners shall submit the Final Assessment Report      duly signed by all the examiners on the approved form to the Secretary of the                      Postgraduate College through the Chairman of the College PG Board of Examiners.
  5. In the case of conflicts, the Board of the Postgraduate College shall have the power to determine the result of all Assessment Examinations, and shall, as it deems fit, seek        the opinion of an assessor.
  1.   Referred or Rejected Thesis/Dissertation
  2. Where a dissertation/thesis submitted for a higher degree is referred, a revised version may not be submitted for re-examination until after a minimum period of three                months.
  3. Where dissertation/thesis is rejected, a revised thesis may not be submitted for                   re-evaluation until after a minimum of six months.
  4. A dissertation submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy may not be                          recommended for award of the Doctor of Philosophy; similarly, a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy may not be recommended for the degree of Master of Philosophy. However, a candidate whose thesis is rejected for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy may apply to re-write it for consideration for the degree of Master of      Philosophy. If the application is granted, the dissertation shall be examined by the           Panel of Examiners specifically appointed for the examination.
  5. An amendment to the approved title of a dissertation/thesis shall constitute a revision; a Board of Examiners may not recommend amendment of title without, at the same        time, referring the dissertation/thesis.
  1. Award of Higher Degrees   

Senate shall approve the award of higher degrees to candidates who have satisfied all the   requirements for such degrees, including the prescribed period of study, on the                           recommendation of the Postgraduate College.

  1. Approval of Department and College Requirements

Specific Department requirements, additional to or consequent on these General                     Regulations, shall not be binding unless approved by the SMS College PG Board of               Examiners for onward processing to Senate through the Postgraduate College.


  1. Composition:
  2. College PG Coordinator (as Chairman)
  3. PG Coordinators of various Departments
  4. College Officer (as Recording Secretary)
  5. Committee Secretary (to be appointed from among the PG Coordinators, and whose rank must not be below that of a Senior Lecturer).
  6. Responsibilities:
  7. Consideration of admission lists from all programmes and departments
  8. Consideration of working titles
  9. Consideration of research proposals (Pre-field Reports in the prescribed form)
  10. Consideration of post-field reports in the prescribed form
  11. Consideration of Abstracts
  12. Consideration of PG results in the College
  13. Any other responsibility appertaining to College PG matters that may be required from time to time by the office of SMS College Provost.


  1. Composition:
  2. Provost (as Chairman)
  3. College PG Coordinator
  4. HODs
  5. All Professors
  6. College Officer (as Recording Secretary)
  7. PG Business Committee Secretary, also serving as the Secretary to the Board.
  8. Responsibilities:
  9. Ratification of admission lists from all programmes and departments
  10. Ratification of working titles
  11. Ratification of research proposals (Pre-field Reports)
  12. Ratification of post-field reports
  13. Ratification of abstracts
  14. Ratification of PG results in the College
  15. Attending PG Board meetings at the Post Graduate College
  16. Any other responsibility appertaining to College PG matters that may be required from time to time by the office of SMS College Provost.


  1. Preliminary Pages (should be paginated in Roman Numeral)
  2. Title page
  3. Certification
  4. Dedication
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Table of Contents
  7. List of Tables
  8. List of Figures
  9. Abstract.
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
    • Background to the Study
    • Statement of the Problem
    • Objectives of the Study
    • Research Questions
    • Research Hypotheses (where applicable)
    • Scope of the Study
    • Significance of the Study
    • Organization of the Study
    • Operational Definition of Terms
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review
    • Conceptual Clarification
    • Theoretical Literature/ Framework
    • Empirical Review (with Gap in Literature or Analytical Review).
  • Chapter 3: Methodology

The Primary Data Approach

3.1       Research Design

3.2       Research Population/ Population of the Study

3.3       Sample & Sampling Technique(s)

3.4.      Research Instruments

3.5.      Validation of Instruments (Validity and Reliability Tests)

3.6.      Method(s) of Data Collection

3.7.      Data Analysis Techniques

The Secondary Data Approach

3.1       Theoretical Framework

3.2       Model Specification

3.3       Description of Variables

3.4.      A priori Expectation

3.5.      Types and Sources of Data

3.6.      Estimation Technique(s)

  • Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1       Socio-Economic & Demographic Information

4.2.      Data Analysis: Answering Research Questions and/or Testing Hypotheses

4.3.      Discussion of Findings (Relating findings to Literature).

  • Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations
    •      Summary
    •      Conclusion
    •      Recommendations
    •      Contribution to Knowledge
    •      Suggestion for Further Studies
  • References (APA Format): APA 6
  • Appendix

To include:

  1. Questionnaire (where applicable)
  2. Interview Questions (where applicable)
  3. Data Collected (where applicable)
  4. Outputs of Data Analysis (where applicable)
  • Word Processing Specification
  • Package: MS Word
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 points font size
  • Line Spacing: 2.0
  • Headings & Sub-headings: Must be in title case
  • Chapter headers: Must all be in CAPS and 14 point font size


  1. Consideration and Approval of Working Titles: The candidate shall fill Form A (Topic Approval Form) and submit same for the consideration of the College PG Business Committee of his/her working title. (FORM A)
  2. Review of Articles: The candidate shall review a sizeable number of journal articles.
  1. Gap Identification Presentation: This shall be done at the level of the Department, and report shall be submitted to the Business Committee by the HOD (duly signed by the Departmental PG Coordinator and the HOD).
  2. Pre-field Seminar Presentation in the Department: The Candidate shall present his/her Pre-field Report before a PG Seminar Audience in the Department, and report of successful outing shall be submitted by the HOD (signed by both the Department’s PG Coordinator and HOD) to the College PG Coordinator. Then, the Candidate shall be slated for College Pre-field Seminar.
  3. Pre-field Seminar Presentation in the College: The candidate shall present his/her Pre-field Research Report before a PG Seminar Audience in the College. Then, he /she shall fill and submit Form B, which is the College’s Thesis Proposal Approval Form, to the College PG Business Committee for consideration, after which the College PG Board shall approve. (FORM B)
  4. Registration of Title: This shall come before Post-field research exercise. The procedures itemized in the PG College Guidelines for title registration shall be strictly followed.
  5. Post-field Seminar Presentation in the Department: The candidate shall present the Post-field Research Reportbefore a seminar audience in the Department. (FORM C)
  6. Consideration of Abstract: The candidate shall submit an abstract (of not more than 500 words) in the prescribed format of one paragraph for the consideration of the College PG Business Committee and approval of the College PG Board.
  7. Internal Defense: This shall be conducted penultimate the viva voce at the Department. The candidate shall present his/her final work before a panel of examiners comprising the HOD (as Chairman), Internal/ External Examiner (from a cognate Department), the Supervisors, and Department’s PG Coordinator (as Secretary). The Panel’s Score during the Internal Defense shall be on 30%. The report of the internal defense with the Panel’s Score shall be sent to the College PG Business Committee (signed by both the Department’s PG Coordinator and HOD). (FORM D)
  8. Viva Voce (Oral Examination): The candidate shall present his/her final work before a panel of examiners, comprising the HOD (as Chairman), External Examiner, Internal/ External Examiner (from a cognate Department), PG Representative (from another College), the Supervisors, and Department’s PG Coordinator (as Secretary). The External Examiner’s Score during the viva voce shall be on 70%, which shall be added to the Panel Score of 30% to make 100%.
  9. Correction: After the viva voce, if successful, the candidate shall be given two weeks to effect all the corrections pointed out, after which he/she shall fill the Correction Form, duly signed by all the members of the panel of examiners, and submit same to the College PG Coordinator. (FORM E)


  1. PhD Theses Procedures
  2. Consideration and approval of working titles: This shall be done in the first semester of the first year; meaning, Year 1 First Semester (i.e. Semester 1 of the Standard 6 Semesters)
  3. Gap Identification Presentation: This shall be done in the second semester of the first year; meaning, Year 1 Second Semester (i.e. Semester 2 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  4. Pre-field Seminar Presentation in the Department: This shall be done at the beginning of the first semester of the second year; meaning, Beginning of Year 2 First Semester (i.e. Beginning of Semester 3 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  1. Pre-field Seminar Presentation in the College: This shall be done at the end of the first semester of the second year; meaning, End of Year 2 First Semester(i.e. End of Semester 3 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  2. Registration of Title: This shall be done at the middle of the second semester of the second year; meaning, Middle of Year 2 Second Semester (i.e. Middle of Semester 4 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  3. Post-field Seminar Presentation in the Department: This shall be done at the end of the second semester of the second year; meaning, End of Year 2 Second Semester (i.e. End of Semester 4 of the Standard 6 Semesters). Note: There shall of essence be a minimum of six calendar months between Pre-field defense and post-field defense.
  4. Consideration of Abstracts: This shall be done at the beginning of the first semester of the third year; meaning, Beginning of Year 3 First Semester (i.e. Beginning of Semester 5 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  5. Internal Defense: This shall be done at the end of the first semester of the third year; meaning, End of Year 3 First Semester (i.e. End of Semester 5 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  6. Viva Voce (Oral Examination): This shall be done at the middle of the second semester of the third year; meaning, Middle of Year 3 Second Semester (i.e. Middle of Semester 6 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  7. Correction: This shall be done at the end of the second semester of the third year; meaning, End of Year 3 Second Semester (i.e. End of Semester 6 of the Standard 6 Semesters).
  8. MSc Dissertation Procedures
  9. Consideration and approval of working titles: This shall be done in the first semester. (FORM A)
  10. Gap Identification Presentation: Not applicable.
  11. Pre-field Seminar Presentation in the Department: This shall be done at the end of the second semester. (FORM B)
  1. Pre-field Seminar Presentation in the College: Not applicable.
  2. Registration of Title: This shall be done at the beginning of the third semester.
  3. Post-field Seminar Presentation in the Department: This shall be done at the middle of the third semester. (FORM C)
  4. Consideration of Abstracts: This shall be done immediately after post-field seminar presentation in the third semester.
  5. Internal Defense: This shall be done at the end of the third semester. (FORM D)
  6. Viva Voce (Oral Examination): This shall be done at the end of the third semester.
  7. Correction: This shall be done at the end of the third semester. (FORM E)
  8. PGD Project Procedures

Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) students are not required to follow the procedures contained in Section 4 of these Guidelines: they are only required to write “Long Essay” after they have reached an agreement with their respective topics with their respective supervisors.


  1. Postgraduate Teaching:
  2. A lecturer shall be qualified to teach MSc students if only he/ she is a Lecturer 1 Officer, having a PhD. But a Lecturer 1 Officer without a PhD shall only be allowed to teach MSc students if the course is to be taught in conjunction with an academic, whose rank is not below Senior Lecturer.
  3. A lecturer shall be qualified to teach PhD students if only he/ she is an academic, whose rank is not below Senior Lecturer with a PhD.
  • Postgraduate Supervision:
  • A lecturer shall be qualified to supervise MSc students if only he/ she is so qualified to teach MSc students as contained in Section 7 (1) (a) of these guidelines.
  • A lecturer shall be qualified to supervise PhD students if only he/ she is so qualified to teach PhD students as contained in Section 7 (1) (b) of these guidelines.


  1. Seminar Procedure:
  2. PhD Seminars: PhD Seminar I shall come up in the first semester of the first year. That is, Year 1 First Semester, where each student shall present his/her first well-researched publishable paper. Then, PhD Seminar II shall come up in the second semester of the first year. That is, Year 1 Second Semester, where each student shall present his/her second well-researched publishable paper.
  3. MSc Seminars: MSc Seminar I shall come up in the first semester, where each student shall present his/her first well-researched publishable paper. Then, MSc Seminar II shall come up in the second semester, where each student shall present his/her second well-researched publishable paper.
  • Published/Publishable Paper:
  • Required number of published/publishable papers for PhD students: Each PhD student shall submit a minimum of 4 published/publishable articles, showing ABUAD as his/her institutional affiliation.
  • Required number of published/publishable papers for MSc students: Each MSc student shall submit a minimum of two (2) published/publishable articles, showing ABUAD as his/her institutional affiliation.



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