Joining athletics team come with a lot of benefits, apart from being recognized by the entire University, there are much more to gain for been part of the team.
Athletics comprises many disciplines, many join for fitness purposes in order to meet up with campus challenges and many joined for potential physical abilities.
Following are part of what you stand to gain by joining the team.
- Access to Training Facilities
Stars are not just born but made too. While your physical abilities will make you a good athlete, training in the right facilities will skyrocket you to greatness. Besides facilities, you’ll also have professional coaches who have experienced and you need these to show you the ropes that can land you into that national team of your dream.
- Optimum Performance
Practicing and playing in a professional environment will have a positive impact on your overall performance. Many factors could play into your favor, especially if you show a spirit of resilience from the word start. For instance, your coach might separate you from the rest of the team from time to time for rigorous training and importance. Not everyone who joins athletics has a passion for competition. Some are in for fitness and wellness. Your coach known how to handle both casual and elite competitors, which will befit you accordingly, unlike if you were to do it alone.
- Met New People with Similar Goals
Just like any other business or profession, athletics too will be fun if you can meet other new people for networking. Athletic team attracts people with similar interests and views about life. You can also develop long-term friendships because you’ll likely have common beliefs in matters lifestyle, education, and life in general.
- Motivation
Besides self-motivation, there are lots more to this, there is scholarship opportunity for an outstanding performance, allowances reward during an outing event, cash reward during YEYE AARE MODUPE BABALOLA ATHLETICS FESTIVAL ( YAMBAF ) with trip reward for the overall winner and lots more.
- Build Confidence and Improve Your Mood
Being part of the team will improve your confidence, not during training alone but also academic wise. And also, if you are a beginner, you don’t need to be afraid, we are there to put you through and make you a champion. So, don’t let your dream and passion fade away simply because you have no one to nurture it. Get it started today and you’ll love the new you!