Charles Koch Compares Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to Cancer and a Heart Attack


Charles Koch Compares Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to Cancer and a Heart Attack
Conservative billionaire Charles Koch on Monday likened the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to a choice between cancer and a heart attack.

The CEO of Koch Industries made the comments in an interview at the Fortune Brainstorm TECH 2016 conference in Aspen, Colo.

“I see two people that, as of this point, we’re not supporting,” he said, when asked what he thought of the presidential race, adding that he had no intention of choosing between the two. “If I had to vote for cancer or a heart attack, why would I vote for either?”

In an interview earlier this year, Koch said “it’s possible” that Clinton could be a better president than one of the Republican candidates. But in Monday’s interview with Fortune, Koch said that comment was taken out of context.

Asked specifically about Trump, Koch said he disagrees with many of the presumptive Republican nominee’s values.

“I’m sure he’s a fine fellow underneath,” Koch said. “But when you look at our guiding principles, you see that his guiding principles are, in many ways, antithetical to them.”