Commendations on ABUAD

“In all my life, I have never seen something unfold like this”.

 Prof. Julius Okojie (Executive Secretary, NUC).

“The gesture is notably one of the most outstanding individual contributions towards the realization of the Federal Government’s educational projections, under the vision 2020-20 programme. I wish to observe that the twin gesture of establishing the University and initiating the Scholarship Endowment Fund, represents, in my humble view, a new challenge in educational philanthropy. It is my fervent hope that many of our financially endowed compatriots will rise to this challenge and aim at least, to match the excellent standards of which we are, today, privileged witnesses”.

President Goodluck Jonathan, GCFR



 “In all my life, I have never seen something unfold like this”.

 Prof. Julius Okojie (Executive Secretary, NUC).

“I can only say that it is a miracle. This is one of the best things to have happened to university education in this part of the world.

“They have set a benchmark for other universities on the e-learning facility, which link the university’s classrooms with other universities across the globe for transfer of knowledge.

“The only challenge is that they have raised the bar for others seeking to establish private universities.

Prof. Jubril Amin, Chairman, Screening Committee on Private Universities of the National Universities Commission (SCOPU)

“The university, billed to take off in September this year, would be a model for anyone or group wishing to establish private university in terms of state-of-the-art facilities needed in such institutions”

Prof. Amin (Guardian Friday May 29, 2009).

The Afe Babalola University has now become a reference point for us in SCOPE. They helped us to raise the quality bar for private universities. Those coming after Afe Babalola University will have a higher hurdle to scale. I am glad all those that visited the University so far have agreed with us.

Prof. Jubril Amin, Chairman, Screening Committee on Private Universities of the National Universities Commission (SCOPU)


“The gesture is notably one of the most outstanding individual contributions towards the realization of the Federal Government’s educational projections, under the vision 2020-20 programme.

I wish to observe that the twin gesture of establishing the University and initiating the Scholarship Endowment Fund, represents, in my humble view, a new challenge in educational philanthropy. It is my fervent hope that many of our financially endowed compatriots will rise to this challenge and aim at least, to match the excellent standards of which we are, today, privileged witnesses”.

President Goodluck Jonathan, GCFR

Happy to be here to be able to see at first hand a unique sample of private university, with finesse, purpose, commitment and self-sacrifice by the proprietor. More like this will change the panorama of tertiary institution and education in Nigeria, it is a model to emulate.

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR


“In our lifetime and very recent history, the name of Chief Afe Babalola and his actions have become the most genuine industry for an average Nigerian child, the students feel that if one individual has courage to invest this gigantic structure in a state, then Nigeria is yet to be sincere about what attention can be given to education. Chief – you are a great Icon. You have invested in our future and thus, you will spend your life in happiness. Nigerian students will remember you, that what our founding fathers have spoken by speech, you have fulfilled in lifetime by action. As children of this generation, our desire is to be inspired ad mentioned by those who have laid legacies of history.

Olalekan Smart, President, National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS)

The University (ABUAD) is a true reflection of its proprietor. Many believe it to be an extension of Europe. Anyone who comes in to see the University can only leave with a kind of mind captured in these words: “I wish I can be part of the students, designed for intellectual change. We appreciate Afe Babalola.

Ihene C. Williams (University of Benin)

Baba Afe is certainly the best, he wouldn’t have settled for anything less. But what is in ABUAD is certainly comparable to any institution anywhere in the world. This is indeed not just the first amongst equals but also the best. It is a model tertiary institution in West Africa and the world in general. In one word, nothing compares to it. To our elite class, please stop sending your children abroad, you have it all in ABUAD.

Brown Dadieari Onari (University of Benin)

Wow! What a spectacle to behold. ABUAD is a rebirth of a modern institution in Africa. I have never seen such a structure in any Nigerian institution. May be, other institutions of higher learning should take a have from ABUAD.

Nwabuokei C. Justice (University of Benin)

The simple words that describe ABUAD is elegance. In my candid view, Afe Babalola University is the best thing to have happened to legal education and education generally in this part of the world.

Omoyemi Olukemi O. (University of Ado-Ekiti)

ABUAD is a very conducive school for learning. I was so surprise that this school is constructed here in Nigeria. In fact, it is breath taking. Baba Afe Babalola, you are a good innovator, a commander and a loving father, I respect you sir.

Suara K. Olawumi (University of Ilorin)

ABUAD, an institution second to none, a beauty to behold. Aare Afe Babalola, Baamofin, you are indeed a man of timbre and caliber, a guru, a man of impeccable character, noble, giant philanthropist, model of all Nigerian youths. You are indeed distinct in every way from your other contemporaries. May the Lord Almighty bless your handwork and fulfill all your heart desires.

Aderoye Abimbola Iyiola (University of Ilorin)

You are the reason why I am studying law.

Daniel Abraham Y. (University of Ado-Ekiti)

Words will not be enough to describe Afe Babalola University and the man himself. This University is the best University I have ever seen in the whole of my life. How I wish my parents will come here so that my younger ones can benefit from this project. Thank you. Kabiyesi. Ki e pe fun wa o. Amin.

Omodayo Ayodeji Oluyemi (LAWSA President, UNIBEN)

Glory be to Allah the one who has power over all things. The top appreciation goes to Aare, he is all-in-all, I mean you find everything good in him. An experience must not be left unshared, I saw the blood of Aare in ABUAD students and this was even seen at the debate. The school is new, law is fresh here, yet the girl that represented the school (ABUAD) performed excellently well. I was not told but I was there because I was fortunate to be the moderator at the Debate. Long live Ado-Ekiti! Long live Aare Afe Babalola! Long live all Law Students!

Rasak Abimbola Medinat (University of Ilorin)

ABUAD is our Harvard University in Africa. Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti is a citadel of knowledge in Africa. I came, I saw and I conquered in the three days seminar held at the ABUAD by the National Association of Law Students in 2010. Our mentor, Aare of Yorubaland, Aare Afe Babalola has written his name in gold and we are proud of the living legend who is a glory producer and epitome of success, a legal colossus and a philanthropist who purposely built this great university to help millions of dreams to come true. Long life our Legend, Long life Aare of Yoruba Land. ABUAD forward ever, backward never.

Akogun Fatai Oluwatayo (University of Ado-Ekiti).


“It has been inconceivably enamoring to see such gigantic, intelligently conceived and executed project, buildings, equipment and design. I can only describe what I have seen as wonderful and assuring. The provision being made for Staff and Students are a departure from the neglect that exist for Staff and Students in all existing universities in our country”.

Prof. Sam Aluko, a renowned Professor of Economics.

“The university is a tribute to the proprietor’s record of excellence and to the glory of God who has decreed that the university will have no rival in Africa….”

Ambassador (Prof.) Tunde Adeniran

This is the state-of-the-art university that competes with any other university in the whole world. Chief Afe Babalola, you came to this world, you have seen the world and you have conquered the world for humanity for generations yet unborn.

Tunde Odusina, a school Principal

“We recommend that those who have been privileged to hold positions of authority in this country before and left us bleeding economically should visit here and take a leaf from the good work of this great icon of our time. This is an unprecedented legacy in the Nigerian educational history”

Prof. (Engineer) Emmanuel Oboh

To paraphrase Prof. Wole Soyinka – Oro pesi je. Your example and exemplary life are worthy of emulation and commendation. You have given back to society in a way that surpasses imagination. The university will provide an imperishable platform for you to actualize your outstanding dreams for UNILAG where you distinguished yourself as Chairman of Council. Congrats sir. And to Prof. Orubuloye and Mr. Babalola whom I met on ground, I say well done. Congrats sir to all pioneering staff. Others will simply follow after the university.

Prof. Lai Olurode

This is a magnificent project. There has been tremendous change since our recent visit here in the company of the NUC Executive Secretary. This project is an eloquent testimony to Chief Afe Babalola’s largeness of heart and profound vision. The commitment of the workers on site and of the supervisors is highly commendable. This is indeed a dream come true. Well done and congratulations!!!

Prof. Yemi Akinseye George

Wonderful, fantastic work. We are absolutely satisfied with what we have seen. This is the beginning of something that is surely going to be great and unique. God bless the effort of all those involved in the construction of the buildings.

Prof. Adeyinka Afolayan & Prof. Esan Owolabi

The thought of a university by an individual private person is commendable. May the Lord bless the proprietor and the new university. The emphasis of physical fitness and science education is equally wonderful. The thought of comfortable accommodation for all students is equally blissful. More grease.

Rev. (Prof.) Oguntomilade & Prof. R. F. Ola

On behalf of UCH management, we are very impressed at the amount of great and positive work being done here within 75 days. God will uphold and uplift this institution and she shall become a model in Africa and the entire world. Congratulations for this vision and dream. I am so impressed with what I am seeing on ground here. I am so proud of Prof. Tunji Orubuloye for what he is doing here. I am proud to see knowledge in practice in the Foundation of Knowledge as this University has the potentials to be a super modern and the best in Nigeria – so help us God.

Prof. Olufunke Egunjobi, Former DVC (UNAD)

The job here is beyond words. It is a new idea in University building and the plan is also a new aspect of University life and activity. The older Universities should come here to reform their structural and academic planning. God bless Afe Babalola University and Chief Afe Babalola. Thi earned legacy for Ekiti people is a monument to his struggles, success of patriotism.

Prof. J. O. Oluwasanmi

I am highly impressed by the pace of work going on here and the dedication of the staff. It is unique in the history of University Establishment in this country. May God crown your efforts with great success. Well-done.

Prof. B. A. Oso

We met Baba, Chief Afe Babalola on site with Prof. I. Orubuloye who later conducted us round. We thank God for his mercies over Baba, for giving him the means and foresight to build this private university, unprecedented in the history of Ekiti people. May the Lord bless all his efforts and may this institution provide the ground for more geniuses to emerge from Ekiti land. God bless you sir.

Prof. (Mrs.) Wuraola Shokunbi

It is a great thing that the great Lord has done through the great learned person, a pillar, father, and distinguished Ekiti indigene. The first point of focus for others to follow and emulate. May the good Lord be with you and built all to his glory that the centre of excellence will forever remain for positive reference. God bless you sir and all your team members.

Prof. B. R. Fajemilehin (Dept. of Nursing, OAU)

I have gone round to see the facilities being provided by the proprietor and visitor of this university, Chief Afe Babalola, a most distinguished and outstanding statesman who has over the decades devoted his life and wealth to the development of humanity.

Afe Babalola University is unequivocally the best with what I have seen today in terms of facilities e.g. e-learning, e-library, classroom/ laboratory space, hostel accommodation etc. It is a University of the 21st and even 22nd centuries. I wish the Proprietor, the Management Staff and students of the new University God’s blessings and guidance in running the affairs of the University.

Prof. W. O. Aderounmu (Former Provost & V.C. of Ikere College of Education)

The development is extremely gladdening for this to be taking place in Ekiti is for this generation to be proud of. All well-meaning Ekitis will no doubt rally round to contribute to the success story. May the Almighty God continue to bless the initiatives of Chief Afe Babalola. All those contributing to what is going on are commended and may God bless them all. The university no doubt is poised to be a model in Nigeria and will soon by God’s grace be of world standard. I am proud as an Ekiti man to see what is going on in our time.

Prof. J. F. Akingbade

This is a wonderful work being carried out here that only seeing is believing. May God bless the effort and prosper it. I am delighted and amazed at the pace of work. Please continue this fantastic work.

Prof. Fola Esan & Prof. Esan Owolabi


This University is truly a centre for excellence. Please go ahead as a model to other universities”

Ambassador (Dr) Uriah, former Nigeria Ambassador to New York and a member of the ICPC

I see the future of Nigeria here at ABUAD. Nigeria still has a great hope to achieve greatness

ICPC team member, Oglafu E. Elvis

I am surprised at this wonderful private enterprise. I am happy that we have come here at a time when all the news you hear about what people are doing in Nigeria is negative. Here, we can see with our eyes that positive things are done. New things are being done in education. This is an institution which can stand side by side with any educational institutions. What we have seen here compares favourably with what we have seen in other part of the world. This is a pace setter. It is a challenge to everybody. Aare Afe Babalola has not invested in himself but invested in the future of Nigeria. I think he is worth celebrating. The visit by impact, members and principal officers of the ICPC to ABUAD has been a fulfilling experience. The infrastructure, teaching materials provided and philosophy of education practiced in ABUAD show the way to qualitative and transformatory education that Nigeria needs. There is no doubt that the shaping of the direction of education in Nigeria has started. ABUAD is and will remain the leader in this direction, I congratulate Aare Afe Babalola SAN for actualizing his vision and the VC, Registrar and Principal officers of the University for being a worthy part of the actualization of a promising vision. ABUAD is established to reform education in Nigeria. I congratulate the students as the agents of that reformation. I urge you to see yourself as an agent of the change.

The ICPC boss, Hon. Justice Yinka Ayoola, former Justice of the Supreme Court leading a 14-man team of ICPC Officers to Afe Babalola University on 28t July, 2010.


Very impressive. The quality pace of construction is excellent. Powerful vision and legacy.

Kole Esan (Architect)

An institutional exemplification of the educational culture and heritage of Ekiti. It is set to fill the gap and vacuum that has long existed in the institutional development of education in Ekiti. I am confident that parallels will be drawn between what Christ’s school represented to the Ekitis (and Nigeria) in the past and what the Afe Babalola University means for the future of education in Ekiti and Nigeria. Borrowing from Chief Afe Babalola him I give the Proprietor of this University eleven over ten (11/10) in terms of the vision and commitment to the development of education.

Akin Osuntokun

There is no doubt that this project will become a real University that all Africa can learn, love and benefit from. I am very much impressed by the planning, design and execution. May God grant the workers safety and protection to achieve the completion targets. “Oga ‘Fe, my Brother & family, may God bless you all”.

Chief Fola Alade, OFR

The management of the Afe Babalola University had put up a very wonderful landmark that worth emulation. The warm reception given to the HND II students who came on excursion to the site is highly remarkable. Genuine and qualified professionals are employed on the construction site. Therefore, the university has started fulfilling her part in human development which the country needs. Therefore, on behalf of the Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, the Department of Civil Engineering, we say a big thank you.

Engr. Oluborode & Engr. (Mrs.) Olulope (Civil Engr. Dept. of FPA).

In summary, the vision is superb, the scope is breath taking, the execution is exemplary and the sheer effort is stupendous. This is a wonderful gift to all lovers of excellence. It is a great challenge and inspiration to all Africans, indeed all mankind; a grand example of hardwork, God’s grace and the actualization of boundless energy and potential.

Prince Kola Ajakaiye, Iyin Ekiti

The vision, concept and implementation of this project is an act of faith almost unknown in our society. That Ekiti, a barren land which (in contradiction) hosts some of the best brains in the land, is home to this project is another welcome puzzle. The visioner has brought into the open- and forcefully too, the lessons (and rewards) of his very humble beginnings. Now our society especially the youth are beneficiaries of this raw determination to succeed and to leave a lasting name.

Deji Fasuan

Excellent! Excellent!! Excellent!!!  This project must be properly documented to become a case study not only for construction management and project administration, but indeed Sociology, Economics etc. This is indeed God’s project using unique human agents.

Segun Oni, Ado-Ekiti.

I am really amazed with the level of construction and the seriousness of workers. The project is not only gigantic but very marvelous especially from a private individual. This is an example of what our well to do Nigerians can share the blessings of God with fellow human beings. May Almighty Allah grant Chief Afe Babalola with long life and prosperity to do more to the society. Kudos.

Idris Saidu, Education Trust Fund

We are delegates of Ekiti Parapo, Lagos to Afe Babalola University Project Site & Chief Afe babalola, the Proprietor and driving spirit of the University. We came, we saw and were amazed, but not surprised, at the grandiose of the project, its concepts and fully informed about the vision of the University. Everything on ground- plan, layout, structures, equipment etc- confirms the excellence Chief Afe Babalola stands for. He has always been a beacon of light in his private and public life. His love for Ekiti is written everywhere on the project and while others in his class are largely given to rhetorics on their commitment to the development of a modern Ekiti, he has by this project particularly demonstrated his commitment to making Ekiti truly and sustain its claim of Fountain of Knowledge. The University will be the one to use as benchmark of excellence in effective world-class delivery of tertiary education in Nigeria and Africa. We identify with Chief Afe Babalola, a worthy leader, selfless lover of Ekiti, visionary and benevolent. As we progress, Ekiti Parapo Lagos will contribute its own quota, no matter how small, to the sustenance of the excellence this University will stand for. We appreciate Oga (as we humbly and fondly refer to him) and wish him an excellent finish, long and peaceful life.

Sir Remi Omotosho (President, Ekiti Parapo, Lagos); Elder Dipo Ajayi; Engr. Taye Ajayi, Prof. Ige; Abe Fagboro; Bode Ajayi; Dare Ojo; Mrs. Banke Akinlaja.

This is the state-of-the-art university that competes with any other university in the whole world. Chief Afe Babalola, you came to this world, you have seen the world, and you have conquered the world for humanity, for generation yet unborn. Your legacy of love for humanity, patriotism for your motherland and philanthropic nature to us all shall remain indelible in the annals of history in Ekiti and indeed Nigeria. This University is the handwork of a single man who has the vision of growth and improvement for Ekiti State and for us all. Chief Afe Babalola, your star shines for every and the legacy of this University remains indelible for life. Well done.

Hon. Emmanuel O. Odusina (Immediate Past Minister of Energy).

Since 1992 when I had the rare privilege of being under your care and training, I have discovered that you are a rare gift to your generation. Only very few in any given generation can be as blessed as you are. This university exemplifies the sterling qualities of excellence, beauty and high standard which your phenomenally favoured life has come to symbolize. The university will certainly rank among the best in the world. It is positively amazing that such has come from a person with the kind of background you had: A case of the white pap from the black pot. May God reward your love for humanity with good health and long life beyond your imagination.

Olalekan Ojo

A potentially great institution, with prospect to compete with existing first-class private universities in Nigeria. I only hope and pray that the teaching or academic staff will keep pace with the level of infrastructure (excellent) on ground already. I suggest or wish that the teaching of Space Technology such as Remote Sensing & GLS could take-off along with other courses in the Faculty of Science.

Dr. Joseph O. Akinyede

I join your admirers world over and lovers of the Ivory Tower and the true essence of learning in commending your selfless effort in establishing this pilot institution in Nigeria -Africa. The testimonials as captured in your web site make ABUAD a clear leader in our uest for Tertiary excellence. I am proud of your humble beginnings and your total battle against academic blindness as seen in the establishment of ABUAD. For your team of administrators led by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Sidi Osho, only God can thank them for this thankless job. Apart from being your Admirer I am a parent in waiting who desire this low hanging fruit instead of going to Ghana or the Americas when you have provided same here.

Gabe Onah

Special Adviser to the Governor on
Tourism Development
Cross River State

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