Community Development Services


The ABUAD Law Clinic: The College has established a Law Clinic known as ABUAD Law Clinic. The Clinic performs two main functions: first, it provides practical training for our students through simulated and life cases in their course of study. Secondly, the Clinic provides free legal aid services to poor and indigent members of the community. The Clinic is headed by a Director who is an academic staff of the College. It also has a Clinic administrator who is a person qualified to practise law in Nigeria. In addition to these there are other Clinic Supervisors selected from the members of the academic staff of the College who help to supervise its activities.

The Clinic is open to donations and partnerships from human rights and community development organisations and donor agencies. It is due to commence full operations soon.


The College is currently negotiating partnership agreements with top UK Universities for the Development of its Masters Degree and other exchange Programmes. Details will soon be made available to the public.

Scholarships/ Awards/ Prizes and Endowment Funds

The cost of studies in the University has been highly subsidised making it comparatively cheaper that the usual cost for similar quality education in foreign universities. While it costs the equivalent of 15 to 20 million naira to obtain similar quality education in UK and USA, and in other reputable universities in Africa and other developing countries, we charge an average of 500, 000 naira in ABUAD. This includes tuition, accommodation, medical fees, sports, etc. In addition to this, different categories of scholarships are available for students who have distinguished themselves in their course of studies. For a student to qualify for this he or she must have completed at least one year of study in ABUAD. A student is eligible for full scholarship if he or she makes As in all his or her courses. Applicants are also encouraged to seek funding from other donor organisations in order to facilitate their studies here. There are also prizes for overall best students and best students in specific subject areas upon graduation from the University.


The College is currently developing the ABUAD Law Journal (ABUADLJ) which is an anonymous peer-reviewed international law journal. It is to be published bi-annually with papers selected from current and well researched areas of law. Special editions may, from time to time, be dedicated to specific areas of local or global legal challenges in order to provide cogent answers to such legal problems. The journal is internet friendly and “call for papers” will be made on-line only.

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