“NELSON MANDELA would have been hanged in 1964 but for the discretionary power of the judge to substitute imprisonment” The death penalty is as old as mankind itself. For thousands of years,Read More
“Government (federal, state and local government) should link up with financial institutions to provide loans at low rate as it obtains in other countries to enable them pay adequate fees to their institutions. These fees will in turn provide the necessary funds which the university needs to provide and maintain qualityRead More
READERS’ COMMENTS “I will like to implore Chief Babalola to please for posterity sake expand the scope of the topic and publish the series as a book. It will go a long way to guide or policy makers on how to improve the standard of education in Nigeria” – Adewuyi Adegbite “It has been nice moment to read your article. I doRead More
“No other irreplaceable resource has been wasted in Nigeria, like the resource of time. The capital lost by Nigeria to illegal oil bunkering, gas flaring, oil spillages and other oil related environmental degradation put together cannot equal 10 percent of the capital it loses due to lack of proper time management by its working class”.Read More
“Government (federal, state and local government should link up with financial institutions to provide loans at low rate as it obtains in other countries to enable them pay adequate fees to their institutions. These fees will in turn provide the necessary funds which the university needs to provide and maintain quality education”.Read More